How it works Publishers

How it works for Publishers (Group Admins)

Welcome to Shoutouting, the premier marketplace that connects social media group admins with advertisers eager to promote their brands within your communities. By joining Shoutouting, you gain access to a network of advertisers looking to advertise in groups like yours, making it the best way to monetize your social media groups. Whether you're managing communities on Facebook, LinkedIn, Telegram, or other platforms, Shoutouting provides a seamless and profitable solution to turn your influence into income while offering valuable content to your members.

Register as a Publisher

Why Choose

Shoutouting is the sole independent platform that links social media group admins with advertisers, helping them monetize their group management.

Control Over Ads

Maintain control over the types of ads and advertisers you work with, ensuring that all content aligns with your group's values and interests.

Enhanced Group Engagement

Collaborating with advertisers can bring valuable and interesting content to your group, increasing engagement and member satisfaction.


Receive clear guidelines from advertisers, ensuring you know exactly what to share.

Earn Rewards

Get rewarded for your efforts and influence. The more offers you complete successfully, the more you earn.

Publishers Guide: How It Works in Steps

At, we connect group admins with advertisers, providing you with a platform to share compelling messages and posts across various social media platforms. Here's a step-by-step guide on how it works for publishers:

 Register and Fill Up the Form

Start your journey by registering on our user-friendly platform. Provide essential details and fill out a form with some basic details.

Utilize Multiple Social Media Platforms

If you are active on more than one social media platform (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter), feel free to connect them all to your account. Maximize your reach and opportunities!

Sign In and Check for Offers

Once registered, sign in to your account. Keep an eye on your dashboard regularly to see if any exciting offers from advertisers are waiting for you.

Receive Detailed Instructionsn

Congratulations, an offer has arrived! Click on the offer to receive detailed instructions from the advertiser about what to share on your social media accounts. Pay close attention to the content, hashtags, and any specific guidelines provided.

Share on Your Social Media Groups or Channels

Follow the instructions provided by the advertiser and share the designated content on the groups or channels you manage in the social media platforms instructed.

Explore Publication and Await Rewards

After sharing the content and sharing the link to it, our team will review your publication to ensure it meets the requirements. If everything is in order, you can expect your well-deserved reward for the successful publication.